Let Love Power You Through This Ramadhan
Busy this Ramadhan? Focus on these 3 sacred timings
Closer and Nearer to Him (+ A Du'a list of sorts)
Ramadhan Prep: Holding On to This 1 Ayah
Overwhelmed? Try these 5 Simple Things from the Quran
A Wrongdoer's Regret Revealed in the Quran :(
10 Questions To Ask Yourself Today
The Perfect Woman Who Married a Monster: Lessons from Asiya RA
How To Translate Sincerity Into Action
What will you be wearing in your Afterlife?
Rethinking Wudhu: More Than Just A Ritual
We Have A Gratitude Crisis (& How To Solve It)
Staying Away from the 5 Sins Syaitan Committed
Allah's Merciful Protection: Grateful for the Things I Don't Have sent
How will you spend your 900 breaths?
An Important Lesson About Consistency
His Rizq never has the wrong "address"
Even the hardest moments are full of Love
Do you struggle with Patience & Prayers?
Are you making Du'a for fun things?
You were not there. But Allah SWT was.
Still figuring things out. And that's OK.
Impossible for you, but it is Easy for Him
Don't Chase Happiness. Cultivate Peace Instead
A Simple Solution to Getting Unstuck
Who is your Muslim Hero? Here is mine.
How well do you know Allah SWT?
The Small Deeds No One Remembered But Him
Find, Focus, and Follow His Mercy
My Other (Not So Secret) Love Letter
A Love Letter To Be Read In A Minute
A Love That Was Tested: Why We Celebrate Eid-Adha
The Quran's Cure to Laziness & Procrastination
Who do you think knows you best?
A Blessed Test: When it's not a punishment, but a promotion.
Giving Our Day a 10/10! - A Reflection on Gratitude & Time.
When only He knows what is good for you.
An Ocean or A Drop - Which Would You Choose?
Preparations For The Most Important 10 Nights of Your Life
A Cure for What is in the Hearts
A Simple Answer to a "Difficult" Question
Blessings that I take for granted
The Cure for Darkness, The Source of Light
Allah-Reliance > Self-Reliance
A Year Without Social Media: An Update
How do you prepare for your longest wait?
The Most Beloved Deed to Allah SWT
Of Family and Being The Best of You
What's the future costs of your current decisions?
Our 24 Hours & How We Spend It
Learning to Bounce Back Up with the Trampoline of Faith
We're always desperately in need of His Mercy
Rooted to Him, you'll beautifully bloom.
Are we qualified for His great reward?
"Let me speak to Allah about it first."
The Missing Piece To Your Puzzle
12 Things I've Learned From My Fav People!
Tears: What Cannot Be Said, Will Be Wept
With Him, I am the best version of me
Time and How It Beautifully Expands
Choosing Ease, Just Like Rasulullah ﷺ Did.
The Giver of the Most Perfect Gifts.
Not hitting your "Ramadan Goals"?
Nothing is ever lost or wasted with Allah.
Who are your companions for Ramadan?
"Allah intends Ease for you, not Hardship."
An invitation to my secret little garden
Prayer Fixes Impatience: A Personal Story
The Timeless, Most Perfect "Love Letter" of All
Anchor yourself with the Truth.
One question to ask ourselves before the year ends
The Importance of Silence (And how it helps us see our blessings)
Even the hard stuff is full of love
Living in an Over-Stimulated World
Winning Against Iblis’s Point of Attack
Who are you giving your attention to?
"BRB, let me double check with Allah!"
Full of Meaning, or Empty Repetition?
Spiritual Battery: Dangerously Low or Healthily Consistent?
Trusting Him, More Than Our Circumstances
Balanced or Burned Out: You Choose
Making A Single Blessed Choice At A Time
& Other Stories: A 7 Day Reflection-Recap
"My soul and your soul are very old friends."
Will you answer the knock of your heart?
A Trick To Finding Majesty in the "Mundane"
I Stopped "Doom-Scrolling" & Chose Hope
Today, I Chose Effort Over Easy.
Are you seeking? Then you shall find.
In Progress: Building My Heart-Home
In A Difficulty? Find Your Ease.
Pimples. (A True But Funny Story)
Don't let yourself be stepped on.
You need this ONE thing to power through your day
"Can we be happy in this Dunia?"
Be High Maintenance, Not Low Effort
Also... Why do we not smile more to ourselves?
A Peek Into What's In Your Heart.
One Good Conversation Could Fix It All.
Under His Watchful Eyes (*Chef Kiss*)
Confessions of a Recovering Sleepwalker 😌
From Fear, to Justice, to Hope
Falling in love, again and again
"Don't I want to be those whom Allah loves?"
That One Prayer I Made in Ramadan
I'm a normal girl, in a secular world
Her surprise visit to my home...
Trust the voice in your heart.
Love: How It'll Begin, Sustain, And End
Are you stealing from yourself?
Dusting off. Purging. Cleaning. Letting Go.
Preparing for Your Retirement When the Finish Line is Jannah
What does Allah SWT want me to do?
Aida Is Not My Real Name (A Confession & An Epiphany)
I'd like to meet a handsome man...
What I've Been Struggling With.
I was loneliest when I married K.
"How Do I Get My XXX To Pray?"
Let's Talk About Rezki + An Announcement ✨
Where do you see yourself in the future?
If You Are A Star In Your Own Reality "Show"...
An Emptying of the Self, So The Soul Can Be Filled
He Played To "Kill", I Just Wanted To Go "Home"
What's The "Easiest" Way To Avoid Hellfire?
Are You Shy? (nothing ventured, nothing gained)
Starve Your Distractions, Feed Your Focus
World's Worst VS Greatest Boss!
R.E.S.T, DON’T STRESS. (A Secret to Happiness)
I Don’t Know What to Feel: A Brain Vomit
Trying to achieve success in this world & the next?
What Was Your First Big Question In Life?
Uninspired? Overwhelmed? Distant? Try this.
Are you "snooze-ing" His Reminders?
If I Wasn't A Writer, I'd Probably Be.....
The Answer I Was Looking For...
You keep on trying, but you don't see results?
{URGENT} The Countdown Begins: 57 Days To....
Goodbye for Now, Time For Some Deep Work
Seoul Reflection #3: The One Thing That Fixes All
Seoul Reflection #2: The Cure For When It All Gets Too Repetitive
Seoul Reflection #1: Breathe. You are exactly where you need to be.
Intention for 1441H: We Need To Be “Shepherds”
What I Learned From One of the Queens of the Deen
The "Flyest" Email You'll Ever Read (Trust me on this!)
Erm... Why Isn't Failure An Option? (A Musing)
The One Line Every Mother Uses - Power of Powerlessness
When's the last time your heart was cleaned?
The First Thing People Notice About You...
A Blessed Mess - A Letter To You Who's Overwhelmed
Struggling With Khusyuk? Me too.
To Live Your Best Life, You Have To Be...
Every Ending Is A Beginning - A Ramadhan Reflection
This May Possibly Be The Hardest Thing To Accept
She laughed, as she told me her #1 man didn't believe in her.
What extinguishes sins, like water extinguishes fire?
Uber Conversations: On LGBTQ + War + The Importance of Telling Your Stories
Thoughts: When life is a constant waiting game.
"Girl, go wash your face" - A Lesson On Taking Back Control of Your Life
2:222 - If There Was One Thing I Wish For All Of Us...
Anyone Can Be Consistent - Including You <3
When You Just Can't Deal With Humans